Thursday, February 26, 2009

Confuse, Convince, and Con

We call it the 3C theorem.

Developed by my coursemates in the class, we found the theorem is very frequently used by lecturer during the conduction of their lecture.

In the class:
- Firstly, they confuse you with lots of equation you had never seen before, make your head filled with question marks.
- Then they convince you while you are still in confusion, to believe that what they taught is flawless and unquestionable.
- Finally they'll con you at the end of the class, making you feel like you understand everything but instead, you are in confusion and convinced that they are correct.

Don't believe? Try on your lecturer and see...

The founder of 3C theorem, me and my friends had also found that this theorem is also applicable on lecturer themselves. Try look at the examples below:

During presentation:
- Firstly, you confuse the lecturer by throwing a few formula out, mix and remix few of them, and giving some "detailed" explanation of your formula mixture.
- Secondly, you convince the lecturer by using some famous and solid text you learned, such as "according to Faraday's theorem..." or "this research journal state that...". Do remember to complete step one before entering this step so that the process of convincing are able to run smoothly.
- Finally, you con the lecturer's mark by showing that you did a lot of work and research for this particular presentation, telling them you went to library everyday, reading journal, etc, where in fact, you just typed in your computer with internet connection.

During class:
- This is actually one of the countermeasure when 3C theorem is being used by lecturer, especially when the lecturer are in the phase of confusing the students.
- When the lecturer is trying to confuse the students by showing some very difficult context or formula, the students must act immediately to question (as deep as possible) about the context or formula, to the extend that you have no idea what yourself is asking. Continue this process for few moments, teamwork is required in order to confuse the lecturer before the students get confused instead.
- If you succeeded in step above, you can start to convince the lecturer about your understanding about the things they are currently teaching, they'll be really happy about it, no doubt.
- Finally to move into the con phase, you can either start asking for things like: "will this thing appear in the exam?" or things like "where should we focus in this topic for the exam?" Here, the lecturer will be glad to tell what they plan for the coming exam plan!

Just wow! Ain't this is a fantastic theorem? Try it yourself, it is tested with repeated experiment, the rate of successful in confusing, convincing, and conning increases with increasing of experience practicing the 3C theorem.


Ok larh, the whole thing is just some funny ideas with my friends when we are crapping around, no such thing happened.


I said really!

I'm not bluffing!

Monday, February 23, 2009





' 鱼座男人没有偏见,没有亲自穿著鹿皮走几哩路,他不会评断印地安人;没有试试赤脚走路,他也不会评断裸体主义者。甚至这些做了,他还是会满心谅解而不会过于批评。他很少冷酷的指控,倒是每每温暖的忍耐,他甚至会试试了解他的岳母,天底下有几个男人能这样?海王子拥有罕见的同情精神,他的朋友向他吐露秘密而从不担忧会把他吓著,要吓到鱼起码需要两吨以上的炸弹。如果你和我以及你的鱼儿三人同坐一室,一个男人走进来告诉我们他有些担忧,因为他重婚,在四个州各有一个老婆,你可能眼睛瞪得大大瞧他,冒著火,心想监狱是最适合他的地方,我可能鄙夷的说他是个卑鄙的流氓,但你的鱼儿很可能问:'那四州?你爱不爱她们其中任何一个?'鱼很好奇,但防震。对他来说,这个家伙需要一缸子同情以及好得要命的律师。' 有一位伟人利用了这点特性,结果成就了科学史上的神话,他就是爱因斯坦。


与其说双鱼是个为爱情而活的星座,不如说双鱼是个为感情而活的星座。对于双鱼来说,世界上最重要的东西是感情,一条精神上满足的鱼,可以没有其他东西,就已经是最幸福的人(当然,绝大多数情况下,没有其他东西,很难精神上满足)。任何感情对于双鱼来说都是重要的,爱情很重要,但不见得会比亲情更重要,在双鱼的眼中。对于鱼来说,感情是单纯的,是单独的。鱼可以原谅对方的一切,只要那个人是真心对他好的。你可以十恶不赦,可以吃喝嫖赌,可以之前是人尽可夫的妓女,可以是个卑鄙无耻的骗子,都可以原谅,只要鱼能确定你是真心的喜欢他,对他好。但是请注意一点,大部分的鱼都比你聪明,不要以为你的小伎俩可以骗到鱼,你是不是真心喜欢他,他比谁都清楚。对于一个男孩子来说,双鱼女孩能给你对于一个女孩子想要的一切,温柔,爱你不顾一切,可爱(很多时候是装的,鱼大多数是很聪明的),体贴…对于一个女孩子来说,双鱼男孩… 嗯… 看你的运气了,如果你遇到的鱼是个没有志气,不想做事,玩玩乐乐的鱼,而且他已经25岁左右了,那么好心的提醒你,还是尽早离开他吧。除非你是个富婆,或者你只是找个情人(没有人比双鱼更适合做情人了:安全快乐而无副作用)。否则,你会经历世间最凄凉的婚姻和生活,阿门… 那么如果你遇到的鱼是有事业心,能上进,肯做事的鱼,或者干脆就是事业有成的鱼,那么真的是恭喜你,你是千万少女中最幸运的一个,再挑剔的女人也无法对一个有上进心有事业的鱼有更多的要求了。你可以得到世界上一切的温柔和快乐,包括用钱买的到的和用钱买不到的,鱼很乐意把他的一切奉献给他爱的人,看到他爱的人开心,他会更开心。大部分的鱼的'一切'仅仅只有感情,而没有物质,但是我们现在讨论的是最优秀的那种鱼,那种能随时把名望和财富送给你的鱼,现在你知道你有多幸运了吧。

很奇怪吗?公平对于双鱼来说,是个很重要的单词。双鱼没有普遍意义上的价值观,是非观,你不能用这件事这样做是对的,那样做是错的来说服一个双鱼座。永远记住,鱼的世界里很少有对错。那么鱼又是怎么来处理他和别人(尤其是爱人的关系)呢? 就是公平。如果鱼曾经有过十几,二十个女朋友,那么他就不会在意你以前有过多少个男朋友,如果鱼一个不小心跑出去玩了一夜情,那么你一夜情的时候,他也会选择无所谓。好吧,就算你的鱼纯情的一塌糊涂,你是他(她)的第一次,他也可以原谅你的曾经花心,一时花心,可能会的花心,只要你能用足够的关心和真心的喜欢弥补。鱼大致兑换了下你的关心(兑换比例只有天知道了,呵呵),如果觉得双方大致公平的(相对于他对于你的感情付出),那么他就无所谓,就会原谅你。所以和鱼相处是件很简单的事情,只要你能保证你给他的和他为你付出的差不多多,就可以了。至于伦理道德嘛…嗯,讲真的,鱼从来不是教条主义者。反过来,如果你让鱼觉得你对他的关心不够多,对他的爱不够多(不够多是指没有他给你的多),那么鱼会在痛苦之后,也相应的减少对你的关心和爱,不要怀疑,这方面,鱼比谁都表现的现实和斤斤计较。


所有的星座解释都会说双鱼是浪漫的,但是所有和双鱼(特别是双鱼男生,一般浪漫都是指男生做的事情)接触过的人,都往往感觉不到双鱼的浪漫,到底是为什么呢?难道双鱼并不浪漫?我给你个肯定的答案,双鱼绝对浪漫,他脑子里面的浪漫点子不仅包含了所有好莱坞大片的经典场景,还有更多他自己的原创镜头,他时不时的都在幻想浪漫的场面,一个鱼可能在他18的时候就开始想他30岁结婚的布置。那么为什么现实中是两样呢? 因为2点,自卑和善良。前一点很好理解,大部分的浪漫需要自信。很多时候,不是鱼不想浪漫,而是不好意思和没胆子那么做,你能理解是吧,呵呵。那么自信的鱼呢?为什么他也不浪漫?因为他没有遇到合适的人,因为他善良。双鱼的爱情大部分是有些被动的。鱼总是轻易的喜欢上一个女孩子(注意,我用的单词是喜欢),然后开始和这个女孩开始交往,然后十有八九,会发现这个女孩不是能给自己完美的爱的女孩(这是肯定的,遇到最合适自己的人哪有那么容易),鱼很现实的知道,他和这个女孩不可能有将来的,2个人能拥有只能是一段回忆。那么对鱼来说,绝大部分的情话都会说不出口,因为鱼自己知道这些话都是骗人的,很多浪漫的举动做不出来,因为鱼不敢让女孩陷的太深,怕分手的那一天女孩太伤心。很多人说处女,金牛的人想的多,其实鱼想的并不比他们少,只不过犹犹豫豫又舍不得的鱼,就算明了的知道和女孩没有将来,也不会点破,只会静静的维持,享受拥有的每一天。但是这样的情况下,鱼的善良就让鱼忍住了很多浪漫的情话和行动。我这么说是不是显的鱼很高尚?呵呵,没有什么真正高尚的人。鱼能如此的为女孩着想,是因为这么做能让鱼觉得自己很伟大,有一种悲剧式的美感,鱼愿意让自己沉浸在这种自我的意淫中。当然,这样至少比不顾别人的死活,只图自己开心要好的多是不是?> 所以还是应该为鱼们鼓鼓掌的。所以,如果有一天,你看到一条浪漫无比的鱼,不要怀疑,他已经认定你们有个美好的未来,他已经知道他不会给你太多的伤心了,那你还犹豫什么?上去拥抱你的幸福吧。


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Small shop big food

Had my dinner in this small shop in Amcorp Mall, located at the top floor (McDonald floor). This is the second time I went to have my dinner here, I heard that the chef is a Japanese, so you could actually expect Japanese food from a Japanese's hand here.

Though it is a small shop, but the servings ain't small at all:

The price is around RM16-30, depending on what you order.

Ah, a cup of tea after the meal, life is simply good!

P/S: There are flee market in Amcorp Mall every weekends! Here you can really grab lots of nice stuff for really good price! Best place for picking birthday gifts.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life of a university student - Part VI

It has been a while since my fellow coursemates gather with so many people, truly a rare sight, a big blue moon indeed.

The forces that pulls all these fellows together are none but the power of king queen of the cc course. Of course larh, queen birthday orh, who dare not to give face?

Thus we gather, taking half of the Chop & Steak as our backyard and make lots of noise!

Well then, happy birthday to thy queen, Cielle Si Toh Chooi Ling. (God what a long name...)


Oh, let's talk about some daily life in the hostel, as the usual content for the "Life of a university student" series!

Love Warning letter from the people in charge. According to JinShi (my secondary buddy that stayed in UPM for 4 years), he said that now is a bad time to bring your car into the campus. The only good time to bring your car without getting these love letters into the campus are during the finals, boo!

Was doing my usual work, combining 3 different types of tutorial answers and create my own set of answer.

Concept CPE - Copy, paste, edit.

These garbage has been burning for weeks, located just behind my hostel. No open air burning? Yeah right.

Alright, my room is located at the first floor, and I can see the roof of the corridor just outside my window. So I thought I'd share some view with my dear readers.

Oh, just in case you can't see properly, the one on the top is the smoke heads threw up from the floor above. For the picture below, I don't think that I want to explain much about what the hell is a cockroach died on such a place, you take the guess!

Just welcome to my hostel life.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

“God” is not "The Answer"

Take note that this article is not talking about any particular religion or things like that; I just borrowed the term “God” for easier explanation. The term “God” in this article refers to lots of things: Spirit, ghost, soul, angel, demon, and so on.

I was reading about string theory during my free time recently, and this phrase caught my attention:

God is not “The Answer”, but is a substitution for it until we found “The Right Answer”.

It makes me think a lot.

Let’s pick a few quick example: Ancient people does not understand about volcano, so they address it as the “Spirit of Fire”; ancient people does not understand about tsunami, thus they call it “Spirit of Water”, ancient people does not understand about tornado, instead they named it “Spirit of Wind”.

Religion comes from a period when humans were able to think and seek for information but had no way to explain what was happening around them, and religion was a way of explaining the things that could not be explained back then.

But now days, if people who saw a volcano erupts and shouted “The spirit of fire is angry!” I’m quite sure that person will eventually ended in Tanjung Rambutan (mental hospital). Similarly, people who saw eclipse and though of end of the world would be the laughing stock of the public.

So what can we conclude here is that, without the understanding of these natural phenomenon, we blame everything to the God; but with the knowledge of knowing how these things occur, and eventually predicting it, we can actually “Read the mind of God”, which is a famous phrase for Albert Einstein when he sought for the unification theory of all.

Thus in my opinion, instead of viewing God is the creator of all (which most religion stressed), I think that God is the knowledge itself. If we view at this point, science and religion can actually coexist together, where religion will be giving (temporary) explanations on things that science unable to explain currently, because human can be so stubborn about an answer, let it be real or fake.

Until today, there are still many things we couldn’t explain using science, questions such as the afterlife question, beginning of universe, beginning of humanity, end of earth, end of universe, and so on. We couldn’t answer these question, we often answer such question with “God knows” as the standard answer. But this doesn’t mean that “The Answer” doesn’t exist, is just that we are still seeking the answer, and will continue to seek the truth.

Seeking “The Answer” does not mean a betrayal to “God” (Galileo Galilei was burnt alive for revealing sun as the center of the solar system, instead of the earth), but instead it brings you closer to the God, better understanding to God, why God make things work in such way. I hate irresponsible answers such as “God has His way of thinking and it is what it is.”

Remember that chemistry was originated from alchemy; astronomy was originated from stargazing. The evolution continues on, it is all in our hand that we want to be a caveman that shouted “The thunder god is angry!” inside a cave; or the modern man who use solar power; or even the future human who build amazing spaceships and do galactic exploration to seeks “The Answer”.

The answer is clear, isn’t it? Yet, there are people who refuse, reject, and fear the evolution, how sad.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I’m celebrating it alone this year.

Got a pack of expensive-looking-chocolate from one of my sister’s hamper.

How nice if there’s someone to share with…

Anyway, having it all alone isn’t that bad either, I love chocolates!


So I’m staying all alone for valentine? Not at all!

I got a girlfriend that was following me all the while. She’s always with me when I’m lonely, she’s there when I’m bored, and she’s never say no when I needed her.

She’s slim, hot, sexy, and having a lovely voice. She’s good in memorizing any love song and sings to me as if the artist who was singing. We both shares the same interest and we always enjoyed those cherish moments.

I’m glad you’re with me during my darkest time.

There my dear, my Sony PSP Slim.


Oh, talking about girlfriend, I found this from

Girlfriend - The one human female which holds certain super-human abilities such as: Mind control, mood swing, playing tired, breaking the bank, and unlimited talking.”

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine vs Islam

Valentine's Day 'Haram' in Islam, says Malaysian state

Johor Baru, Feb. 6: The religious Department in Malaysia's Johor state has reminded Muslims that St. Valentine's Day was haram (prohibited) in Islam.

"The fatwa had been declared in 2005 but the warning was the department's yearly reminder to Muslims not to engage in un-Islamic activities" said M. Tahrir Samsudin, director of Johor's Religious Department.

The new Strait Times quoted him as saying that such celebrations involved elements of vice and violated Islamic faith and values.

He also said that the Christian elements found in the celebration did not correspond with Islamic practices.


You be the judge.

Now I know that non-Christian who celebrate this very loving day were actually a hybrid in Christianity in addition of their original religion.

So here I shall warn my Muslim friends, you may send roses on anytime, any day, EXCEPT February-14 if you don't want to get your ass into trouble, pick the remaining 355 days instead.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009




Monday, February 09, 2009

Retarded Dictionary Tag

-Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
-Post the first definition it gives you.
-Tag 3 people.

Here goes:
1. Your name?
Answer: Lion
Definition: A big, furry brown cat, found in the savanna of Africa. NOT the jungle, you psychos. Often known as the king of beasts, and no one knows why. Some say that the lion is the biggest cat, even though the tiger is the biggest cat in the world.
- Now you people who shouting lion the king of jungle, you are so damn WRONG!

2. Your age?
Answer: 22
Definition: The age after 21 where you realize you still have another 3 years to get your shit together.
- Have no idea what this means.

3. One of your friends?
Answer: Thean
Definition: A combination of then and than for people too f**king stupid to know which one to use.
- ROFL! Joel you better don't kill me for this, blame the dictionary!

4. What should you be doing?
Answer: Sleeping
Definition: A mystical kind of magic which sends u to an alternate plane of existence in which the magical gremlins give u pro plus.
- Whatever, I rarely get any dream while sleeping recently...

5. Favorite colour?
Answer: Silver
Definition: Silver was known under the name of luna to the ancients and also to the alchemists. Some of its compounds, as the halogen salts, are remarkable for the effect of light upon them, and are used in photography.
- I got this from another dictionary, the definition from Urban Dictionary was not satisfying enough.

6. Birthplace?
Answer: Malaysia
Definition: The country where education is very highly politicized. A country where Malays are literally spoon-feed from their moment of their birth up to their deaths. Even if you are the no.1 student in Malaysia, you won't get a place in a public university of your choice if you are NOT a Malay. A Malay can beat you to the seat even if he's a frigging retard. That is guaranteed. Friendly? Yes. Non-racist? Not always.
- Don't look at me, that's what the dictionary says... I just did the copy and paste job, it does not represent my stands towards the issue.

7. Month of your birth?
Answer: March
Definition: Month in which creative, lay-back, dreamy, cool people were born.
- I don't really feel that I'm that creative, lay-back, dreamy, and cool...

8. Last person you talked to?
Answer: Tze
Definition: "Tze" just like "pfft" or "meh".
- What the?

9. One of your nicknames?
Answer: Zen
Definition: One way to think of zen is this: a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts.
- Well I only used this nick for games, or you can call it my gaming nick.

Victims of my tag:
Weng Lian, Su Fung, and Queenie!
- Blame Ting Wei for tagging me, 我也不想的~

Friday, February 06, 2009


I hate politics.

This is the place where you see people grow hatred towards another person for no reason, a place where you can see how ugly a person become, a place where you see mindless morons stacking corpse of other people to climb to the top.

Let's compare a little about U.S. and Malaysia:
President election in U.S.: Obama actually praised his opponent, saying John Mccain is a selfless person, devoted to serve the country and trying to bring the best out of him. He didn't really badmouth about his opponent, he just telling the people that he is being more capable of doing his work, and his idealism about what he is going to do.
Any election in Malaysia: You will see the idiots badmouth each other, pointing all 10 fingers towards other people saying how bad they are, I'm sure they'll love to point out all the toes as well, if possible.

Sad I'll say, when will Malaysia CHANGE?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

CNY special - 感言




11.15am: 交功课后,签了名就溜走了。
12.00pm: 坐 Bennie 的车回家,很感谢他载我一程。
12.45pm: 回到家,整理一下包袱。
1.15pm: 跑去 MidValley,约了一个傻婆去吃饭看戏。
2.20pm: 在戏院中。
5.00pm: 到OldTown去找朋友喝茶。










Monday, February 02, 2009

CNY special - More steamboat

Another steamboat dinner from the Lai family, where everyone gather in section 5 house and eat eat eat until the stomach explode!

As usual we split into 2 tables, one for the elders one for the youngsters.

Our special Yee-Sang with self prepared salmon on it, look at the tick and huge slice of salmon!

"During the tossing, many good things were said. Buy toto strike Mega, renovate section 5 house, and buy the opposite empty land to build a swimming pool. May all our wish come true!"
- Sandy Lai

The ingredients, we have some special scallop this time (right picture), look at the red-fresh-juicy-yummy-tasty-meat!

The bowl. I think the picture tells way better than my words.

Here's the cooked scallop, shrink a little after boiling for a moment. This is the first time I tried a scallop like this!

The 7th day of Chinese new year is also known as 人日, which means it is everyone's birthday! Of course we wouldn't miss a cake for this one!

Count the shoes, then you can imagine how many people in the house.

As usual larh, the photo taking session. This time nobody mabuk already, because all get the warning letter from the mama not to drink too much this time!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

CNY special - 5s7 gathering

The good old s7 group with the good old s7 posting! Man you guys and girls never changed! 5s7 forever~

Left 7 people joined the 5s7 gathering this year, everyone sure is busy now days. What to do lerh, you can't point a gun on people head ask them join right?

Suddenly there's a lion dance in the shop! Wah so noisy with all the dok dok chiang...

Then we discussed that how much does it cost to hire the lion come into the shop dance dance. Then we though of suggesting the shop owner should try hire the CHS lion dance since it is hell lot cheaper, lol~

Trust me, you don't want to dip your sushi into the one on the left...

The food, everyone ordered a bento for lunch. Here I learned something about Sushi Zanmai, their large bento and small bento is actually almost the same size! Don't pay double for the large one!

All these for around RM150, quite a budget meal for having lunch in the Gardens Mid Valley, I guess?

Then after the lunch, GikMun and SiaoWei joined the group!

Well, for awhile. They went to shopping after that while others went for movie in the cinema. Who ask them gamble until 4am in the morning and unable to wake up for the sushi lunch...

Somewhat guys like to disturb girls from behind when they are taking photos, why ah? Hahahaha...