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Well I'm somewhat busy these few days, so I can't keep up my updates as fast as before (even now the part for Fraser's Hill isn't complete yet). Anyway, I've went to this book fest in KLCC on Sunday, the day right after I came back from Fraser's Hill, with a tiring body that shivers in pain; however never regretted for going there!
Since Sunday was the last day for the book fest, I can't really afford to miss this chance! I force myself to woke up in the noon (around 1 o'clock) where I should sleeping for the whole day (usually did this when I'm back from any trip)! Jason is fetching me from my place to the LRT station, then we (me, Jason, JiaKen) will be going there by LRT (going KLCC without using LRT on Sunday means something wrong with your peanut-size brain). We reach there around 2 o'clock and begins to check up the books.
The book fest is actually hosted in the KLCC Convention Centre, and it took 5 halls! You could somewhat image how many books were there. It took us 2 bucks to get into the place (kids with 18 and below and senior citizen with 60 and above is free). The book fest were split into few parts, China (2 halls), Taiwan (1 hall), Malaysia (1 hall) and Singapore (1 ha
ll). The books in the China hall are mostly cheap and nice (made in China after all), while the books in Taiwan are slightly more expensive and written in 繁体字
, Singapore and Malaysia hall got nothing much to say about it, they we selling electronic stuff (pen drive, ear phone, digital dictionary, Ogawa*cough*, etc) in a book fest! Oh yeah, I almost fainted when I saw a Harry Potter that was translated into Bahasa Melayu.
We took a short dinner break in KLCC, had the cheapest you can find there yet very expensive food compared to outside mamak stalls - Terriyaki Chicken. After the food we went back into the book fest and shops for more books. We stayed there until it close shop at 10 o'clock, we say WengSze there too, working as a counter helper.
And finally, we went for yam cha at the cheap mamak near JiaKen's place, then took a look into JiaKen's new laptop, and watched a few episode of Happy Tree Friends stored in my mp3. After that, it is finally the time to go back home and sleep!
Spending of the day:
Around RM120+, glad that I didn't withdraw too much money from the bank, if not the number really won't be this small.
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