Before start reading, let me warn you that this is just my personal opinion and does not attempt to insult any individual or religion. If you are a person that very strict towards religion stuff, please stop reading. Thank you.
Well, religion are a pretty amazing thing, it has the power to make people do the things that normal people won't do. For example: certain religion ban you from eating certain food, well it is food after all, but they just ban it out of some grandmother stories.
The amazing part of religion is when 2 or more religion collide, you can see fireworks. Why? Well you see:
- Religion A says that all non-believers will go to hell if they don't believe in religion A.
- And religion A says that all those who believe in religion A will go heaven.
- Religion B says that all non-believers will go to hell if they don't believe in religion B.
- And religion B says that all those who believe in religion B will go heaven.
Now the problem begins. People who believe in B will go hell according to religion A and people who believe in A will also go hell according to religion B. Somehow, people who believe in A will go heaven according to religion A and people who believe in B will go heaven according to religion B!
Confusing isn't it? Well let's say I believe in A so my other friends who in A also will say "we'll end up in heaven!" while other people around me who don't believe in A will go to hell. But there's another fella who believe in B suddenly jump in and say "you will go to hell because you are non-believers of B!" Sounds stupid isn't it? But that's what happen in the modern world and sad to say that there are still many people can't let go of this concept.
The worse case is when there are some concept of "killing of non-believers will bring you to heaven definitely!" happens in both A and B. What's the ending? Well you see people killing people in the name of the god even though the god didn't ask them to do so directly (the prophets do).
Basically it is really sad to say that human civilization has slowed down a whole lots due to all these religion problems. History proves that the science are always going against of what the religion thought us, hence scientist got killed as witches or the "people who offended god". For the past centuries people are blinded by the words of the prophets who "have the ability to communicate with god".
Even now days, religion are still the cause of so many problems. I believed that if religion doesn't exists, the world would be a much wonderful place, as there is no reason for a person (scientist) get killed for some lame reason of "offending the god".
Look around, it is science who make the world a better place, not religion.